Prima serata del Taormina Film Festival

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Foto LaPresse/Manuel Romano
15-06-2013 Taormina, Italia
Prima serata del Taormina Film Festival. Il premio Oscar Russell Crowe insieme a Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Antje Traue e al regista Zack Snyder presentano la prima nazionale del film L’uomo d’acciaio (The man of steel) a Taormina Film Festival. Nella foto: Cristina Chiabotto

Photo LaPresse/Manuel Romano
15-06-2013 Taormina, Italy
First evening of the Taormina Film Festival. Oscar winner Russell Crowe along with Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Antje Traue and director Zack Snyder present the national premier of the film The Man of Steel to Taormina Film Festival. In the picture: Cristina Chiabotto